Behind The Scenes: Book Launch

It all started with a dream. When I say that, I do not mean it figuratively. It was quite literally a dream. The process of transforming the story snippets into a book will probably be a longer tale to tell. But the process to unveil it to the world (in a broader sense) was no less of a dream (figuratively). It all started with the important decision: whether to have an offline book launch event or not. I mean there already had been an online launch. Would it feel redundant to have it again? There were a lot of apprehensions. However, the decision weighed in favor of having it, and thank goodness it happened so. I think it was towards the later-third of July (probably July 21) when the planning phase started. First step was to search for an optimal venue - a place which would look apt irrespective of the number of guests in attendance. We needed a place which would not look too empty if none of the guests turned up but should also be sufficiently big to seat all the guests. That was th...