Why Pi?
Who knows what the exact reason is. All I know is, among the many numbers that represent and define Life and Nature, pi has always been one of my favorites. There obviously are many reasons why it is a great number. However, those were not the sole contributors.
The beauty of pi being an "irrational number" can never be stressed enough. One can never "know" it's exact value. It goes on and on. What can be more beautiful than that! It's almost like a forever journey, full of surprises, with no known patterns or resemblances. Like life!
Look around or better look inside. Wherever you look, you will find pi. It's presence can be felt in every form and shape, be it the shape of our pupils, the sun, or even the flowers. It forms the basis of creation for all life forms, be it in the stripes of a zebra, spots of a leopard, or even our own DNA, All this cannot just be coincidence. To a patternless number that is the reason behind almost every pattern.
Truly wonderful!
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Never thought we could express pi like this....wonderful 👍
ReplyDeleteCheers to patternless number which is a reason for pattern 😃