What is Happiness!
I was in Class III when I got introduced to the concept of abstract nouns. I was completely floored by that concept. Not that the other concepts were not good enough, but the concept of a noun that can denote an idea, or a state of being; something that does not have a physical existence, but just an existence in thoughts was as exciting as it could be. It is perhaps very difficult to explain the plethora of feelings I used to feel (and still do) whenever I came across an abstract noun. Happiness is one of my favorite abstract nouns. “An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs.” -Wren and Martin I wonder, can happiness (or any abstract noun, for that matter) be ever defined. How to define something that can never take any physical shape? How to define something which is dependent on an idea, a thought? Are not ideas and thoughts individual specific?! My thoughts are different than yours…and your id...