A One Time Experience
Ever since I could remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I have always loved sharing whatever knowledge I could possibly share. Having a sibling who was eager to learn, when we were young, made me dream more of this.
Reality is far more dramatic than dreams.
I never truly realized how I would feel if I get to teach a “real class of students” someday. The day arrived sooner than I had imagined. It was a Monday. I was excited and anxious, but nothing beyond normal. I was prepared for my class, and I headed towards the classroom much ahead of schedule. The entire session went on smooth. While delivering the lecture, I realized I am learning more than ever. I am gaining new perspectives which I could have never imagined, perhaps. The session ended, and I moved out of the classroom.
I could never do justice if I explain what exactly I was feeling. It was beyond exhilaration. That was altogether a different flavor of happiness, a very new and unique flavor indeed! It was something extra dimensional. I could not stop smiling. I felt as if I would freeze that moment in time, if I could.
I mean I have spoken to a class before, in seminars or talks, but it was never this. This experience was so incomparable, so surreal. I might forget the day or the date or the time, but I would never forget the experience (I hope not, at least).
One gets to rediscover oneself, every single time. One gets to learn so much. Then there are so many new things one can explore. To top it all, to share it with others, and gain new perspectives, about life, about just being… what more can one dream of! It felt as if it is the ultimate dream.
If this is real, then what’s in a dream!
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