A One Time Experience
Ever since I could remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I have always loved sharing whatever knowledge I could possibly share. Having a sibling who was eager to learn, when we were young, made me dream more of this. Reality is far more dramatic than dreams. I never truly realized how I would feel if I get to teach a “real class of students” someday. The day arrived sooner than I had imagined. It was a Monday. I was excited and anxious, but nothing beyond normal. I was prepared for my class, and I headed towards the classroom much ahead of schedule. The entire session went on smooth. While delivering the lecture, I realized I am learning more than ever. I am gaining new perspectives which I could have never imagined, perhaps. The session ended, and I moved out of the classroom. I could never do justice if I explain what exactly I was feeling. It was beyond exhilaration. That was altogether a different flavor of happiness, a very new and unique flavor indeed! ...